018 468 3013 info@repcom.co.za

Repcom is a two-way radio company operating in Central South Africa

REPCOM is a Company utilizing the front edge of proven technology, dedicated to providing our customers with both top of the line Equipment and Superior Service at the best possible prices. Our Organization is structured on the principle of providing Service Excellence.

We cater for YOUR specific needs: Why settle for anything less?

This makes us much more cost-effective for your Organisation, saving you money through designing a Planned Radio Communications System meeting your Communications Needs for Today as well as for the Future!


Repcom is Your Premier Two-Way Radio Systems Dealer in:

  • Two-Way Radio Communication Systems – HF, VHF, MB
  • Radio Rentals
  • Community Repeater Systems
  • Wide-Area Radio Communications on the Fleetcall Network
  • Benton Automatic Maintenance Battery Chargers
  • Garmin GPS Systems

We are accredited Dealers of: